Speaking Engagements
Miracle of Innocence seeks to educate the public and raise awareness about the issues of wrongful conviction, systemic racism, and disparities in the criminal justice system.
MOI's exonerated speakers are willing to share their personal stories about their wrongful convictions and many years they served in prison for crimes they did not commit. MOI's legal professionals will talk about the difficulties, legal hurdles, and challenges that must be overcome before a judge or court will entertain claims of actual and factual innocence.
We'd love to share our mission!
If you're interested in having a MOI guest speaker at your next event, please complete this form or call (913) 717-5080 ext. 102.
All donations will be matched to support exonerees and MOI's mission.
For further information email info@miracleofinnocence.org
Please submit the speaker's request 2 weeks prior to event.